Baby Cameron...
My Bliss babies always seem to happen in waves. And just as I am finishing up a bunch of one year baby planners...A new group of babies are coming to Bliss! Perfect timing :) Little Cameron is joining his big brother and big sister whom you may have seen on the blog before. These kids are seriously cute. All.THREE.OF.THEM! Yes its true...I get a little giddy when parents of cuties tell me they are expecting another little one! My job of course is easy when all I have to do is push the button and cuteness happens. Cameron was picture perfect for me...and I expected nothing less. We were even able to get a few shots of all three kids. That was a bit more challenging...but that challenge is what makes it fun...Or at least entertaining. Thanks to the Miller Family for being a part of Bliss! Love you guys...and so happy to meet little Cameron and to begin his One Year Album! Here are a couple of my favorite shots: