Baby Matthew...!  I might be bias as I do get to see him more often then most of my clients as I play volleyball with his mommy and our families spend time together.  Matthew and I have a special relationship. And by special I mean...he likes to POOP everytime I hold him! Seriously. I think he pooped two-three times in one holding! Yup. I think that means he loves me right? Either way...he is forgiven as he is too cute. And I guess a little poop never hurt anyway.  Sorry...didnt mean to make this post about bodily functions just had to state the truth. Back to the Yup. Mr. Sweet, Cute, Snuggly little Matthew. This was his three month session with Bliss and it was a success. I had a plan for a box a baby and a field. Throw in a cute hat and boom. The perfect sweet baby shot! Yeah! I was super excited that the plan worked. You never really know with babies and kids...but somehow we manage no matter what.  Kids and babies can define their session and I can just be there to capture it. Enough writing lets get to the real good stuff...Matthew's sneak peek! Thanks to his mommy and daddy for letting me be a part of his journey! Love you guys! Here are a few of my favorites...