I've Been Tagged!
I guess I am it...Ha ha. I have seen this going around on many blogs but this will be my first tag. A blog stalker of mine "Christel" has so kindly tagged me (thanks Christel)....So here I go...
First the rules:
Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random, facts, habits or goals about yourself. At the end, choose 6 people to be tagged, list their names & why you tagged them. Don’t forget to leave them a comment saying “You’re it!” & to go read your blog. You cannot tag the person that tagged you, so since you’re not allowed to tag me back; let me know when you are done so I can go read YOUR weird/random/odd facts, habits and goals.
All about me...
1. I play volleyball on mondays, bowling on wednesdays and softball on fridays.
2. I LOVE STARBUCKS! (although most people know this).
3. I am a "chick"iterian? Hmmm not sure how to spell that....I am not technically a vegetarian since I eat chicken...But I dont red meat. Let's face it...I am the pickiest eater! Oh well.
4. I have been to Italy, Hong Kong, Mexico, Canada, Tobago, Peurto Rico, France, Caribbean and of course all over the USA. I LOVE to travel...Not bragging....I just feel blessed to have been so many places.
5. I can barrel Race :)
6. Although I am a horrible cook....I can bake yummy sweets (that is all that really counts right?)
7. I am afraid of the dark (and spiders!)
8. I was cheerleader in High School
9. I can walk barefoot on gravel (and it does not hurt). I like to be barefoot.....even though I have a nice collection of shoes...go figure.
10. I am getting a mini cooper for my 30 birthday....I dont want to turn 30 so after my bday this year I will be 29 and holding...ha ha. But I figure with something exciting to look forward to 30 cant be that bad? I hear life happens in your 30's? What do you think???
My Tags:
Lisa Robbins (my Rival...how can I not tag her!)
Glen Johnson- The photographer who shot my wedding :)
Todd Zeller-Awesome Videographer
Connie Ourada- Owns the Brides Corner
Bryan Welsh- Awesome Photographer and has been harassing me for photos of my new studio...Thanks Bryan!
Dan Harlacher- Husband :) And needs some encouragement to post on his blog!
I will be shocked if all these guys play along but I guess we will see what happens.
Thanks again to Christel for the Tag!