Hello Everyone,
This offically launches the new Bliss Studio blog site. I hope everyone will check back often and see what we are up to. There are lots of exciting changes here at Bliss and I look forward to sharing them with everyone. I am going to start by introducing our new logo to go with our new hip name of Bliss Studio! It was time to retire our old name of Moments & Memories and find a name that was more fitting to us. We are also in the process of getting our website updated and all of our literature changed over. Our new website will be I will let you know as soon as its up and ready for viewing. The best news is (yes there is more!) we are moving into a studio space as of June 1st! We are very much looking forward to the move and want to thank everyone for their help and support during this process!
Check back soon and I will update more! Thanks for reading!