Life out Loud :)

My life the past few weeks has been a little more hectic than usual but I have still found some time to enjoy life in between the chaos.  Dan and I went to Seattle to visit Pike's street and then to Sequim for their annual Lavendar Festival.  I have also been on the river boating twice, once with Larry and his wife Mary and once with my family.  And last but not least I went berry picking (YUMMY) with Samantha. I will be posting real shoots this week but I just wanted to share a bit of my "Life". First up is Seattle and Pikes Street. Which smelled like fish but I guess that is just part of its charm...

We spent the night in Seattle and then headed to Sequim the next morning for the lavendar festival.  Lavendar is so yummy!  The whole drive home our car was filled with Lavendar scent.  We ate and visited a couple of the farms.  Each farm had activites, booths, food and of course you can pick your own Lavendar (which dan did as I was afraid of bees).  Here is some of our adventure...

Next we have a couple of trips to the river....

Larry wake boarding

Jon wake boarding

Dan's first attempt at Wake Boarding

Mary, Elizabeth and I on the back of their boat

On the day we went out with the Erickson's there was an old fashioned boat show happening. It was amazing. I had never really seen old fashioned boats. It was like an old car show. This photo does not even do them justice but its a quick shot we took.

Dan being silly and wearing MY hat :)

My sister Courtney and I

And lastly we have berry picking with Samantha...Going again soon! Fresh berries are the BEST!