My News...

I know I have been delaying on sharing my news.  Partly because I know I am bragging and I dont really want to and partly because I have lots of clients who have been (and still are) waiting for their sneak peaks and they are way more important then my news.  But here I am ready to share (finally).  A couple weeks ago (in the crazy Feb month) Dan and I entered print competition at our annual Proffesional Photographers of Oregon Convention.  I was very excited about our entries. I entered a shot of Sophie (senior girl), Dan entered a shot of a bride (Lake Tahoe) and then we entered a couple albums.  Almost all of our entries scored above an 80 which puts them on display and gives us merits (this is a good thing!).  One entry in particular...My album named "Tristyn" actually ended up with a couple trophies!  He got the Fuji Masterpiece Award and Best Album in the Portrait Divsion!  I was very excited!  Here are a couple photos of our entries with their awards... Tristyn's Album:

Sophie's Photo:

Wedding Album Entry "Istvan & Kathleen"

And a quick shot of all our entries and goodies :)