Whitten Family

One more session from my trip to Reno a couple weeks ago. The Whitten have been a part of the Bliss Family for awhile now but Ill have to admit the last time I shot the kids was a few years ago and when Tyler walked up with his kids I had to pick up my jaw a bit. They were HUGE! Okay thats not polite...I mean they were all grown up...Tear. Goodness! One in collage and one in middle school!  I seriously couldnt believe it. Its amazing what a few years will do :)  We had a great time hitting up downtown Reno and a couple of my favorite spots. The kids were troopers even though I am sure getting photos taken was not high on their list. Sarah was BEAUTIFUL and her brother, Nathan Rocked his vintage bike shot. Love.  Thanks to the family for letting me spend the afternoon with you! I enjoyed seeing you as always! Enjoy your sneak peek...