Burnett Boys...

The final journey in the Burnett Twins 1st year. We have been working on a baby album for these guys and this was the one year session and the final session so I could complete their book.  These sessions are always bittersweet. Okay maybe that is not the right word...but I LOVE/HATE these sessions. Okay prob not right either! ha. But what I mean is I LOVE the final session as it was so exciting for me to watch my little bliss babies grow and I am super excited to work on the albums. But I HATE that I may not get to see my bliss babies 3-4 times a year anymore.  There might be a few I still see...Or at least once a year....but you know what I mean.  I become attached and love getting to see them each session! So here we are. Dont worry Im excited. These little guys are ADORABLE. Period. They traveled all the way from Bend for the one year session and were troopers. I did my best to spoil them as much as I could and let them run around outdoors. It was as beautiful day and there is nothing better than a little sun and exercise.  Plus its easier to chase two one year olds. Sitting still is not exciting. A huge thanks to the Burnett Family for letting me enjoy this journey with you guys!  We survived right? Just teasing...but good to share the memories, the challenges and the loves. Hugs to all of you!