Kassidy- Class of 2013

What an awesome day and session with Kassidy. And actually it wasnt just Kassidy....we had a duel session with her friend Ale (stay tuned tomorrow for her post).  This post is for Kassidy though...with one quick shot of the girls together.  It wasnt too long ago that I had photographed Kassidy's big sister so I was really looking forward to being able to photograph her.  Kassidy and her sister could not be more different! LOVE IT!  Its okay if siblings are the same...but love having a totally different look and personality to work with.  My favorite part of Kassidy was her laugh. Laugh on command was a piece of cake for her and gave me some great fun shots. We spent the afternoon around SE Portland and were so thankful it was not 100 degrees out.  Changing in a scorching hot car would not be fun for anyone let alone girls who do not need their makeup to melt :)  A huge thank you to Kassidy and her mom for coming to see me! I hope you had as much fun as I did and enjoy your sneak peek..