Just a reminder why I LOVE photographing kids...

I know that I photograph an array of things...but hands down I will always say I specialize in Kids.  There is just something about capturing those kids and their personalities that warms my heart. I know I dont have any kids of my own but I consider all my Bliss Kids mine :)  I mean how can I not? They are all ADORABLE!  I had a fun family session at the Rose Garden a couple weeks ago and already posted a few of my favorites a few posts back...But in the meantime I came across these three images of the Bernstein kids that just reminded me why I love kids so much.  You cant make a child do anything...I mean seriously. You can try...beg...pleed...bribe whatever you want...but if they dont want to do it thats it.  And from a photographers standpoint you dont want to push too hard or the session is going to end in a screaming tantrum.  I find myself always assuring the parents that their child is fine. Its okay if your Two year old is being a booger. Its what two year olds do. I am patient (well not really but for this I am) and can still get the images I need one way or another. Its only a split second that I need and I got it.  I think with kids the reward is always so big when you get that killer shot that you were hoping for.  The one where that childs personality is jumping out of the image. It makes me happy.  Every time I leave a child session it reminds me just how much I love my job.  These three images I pulled may not be the mom and dad's favorite shots but I LOVE them...It was the very end of the session (be well assured there is plenty of amazing shots) and I like to push my luck and see what I can get.  I saw these images and cracked up laughing.  These are just the kids...being themselves.  LOVE.